Age spots are common, especially in older people and in people who have spent a lot of time in the sun. They develop when the top layer of skin expands with more pigment. Often, they appear on areas of the body where the sun’s rays hit, such as the upper back, hands, and face.(1) Age spots are also called sunspots, liver spots, and solar lentigines.(2)

Anyone can develop age spots, but they are most common in people over 50 who have fair skin and have a family history of them.(3)
Generally, age spots have these characteristics:

  • Are flat, oval areas of increased pigmentation;
  • Are usually tan to dark brown;
  • Range from freckle size to about 1/2 inch (13 millimeters) across;
  • Can group together, making them more noticeable.(2)

Age spots are harmless. However, since some kinds of skin cancer can look like an age spot, it is important to have new changes in skin evaluated by a physician.(2) While age spots do not require treatment, many people choose treatment for cosmetic reasons. There are a number of treatments used, including topical creams that fade the spot, laser resurfacing, and chemical peel. Cryosurgery is also a common treatment.(3)

During cryosurgery, a cryogenic gas is applied to the skin, which freezes the age spot. There may be a blister or redness afterwards. As the skin heals, there is a more even skin tone.(1)

Hydrozid® is an FDA cleared portable cryosurgery device, designed for primary care physicians, pediatricians, dermatologists, and podiatrists, for the treatment of age spots, plantar warts, skin tags, and a number of additional benign and premalignant skin conditions. Qualified providers, visit to set up an account and order.

(1) American Academy of Dermatology, What Can Get Rid of Age Spots,

(2) Mayo Clinic, Age spots (liver spots),

(3) Cleveland Clinic, Age spots,